Tatting shuttle with hook mod#
Later, I put additional coats of Mod Podge on after each dried. I used a skewer and Styrofoam to hold the shuttles up to dry.

Then I brushed a coat of Mod Podge and placed my design on the shuttle. Then, I carefully tore out each motif and design I wanted, a fiddly business for sure. First, I separated the napkin layers so I had only the top layer. I had actually tried to decoupage two of my shuttles once before and didn’t care for the result, so I painted over them with some acrylic craft paint, the others I left naked. I obtained some from her and immediately set out to get this project done. I went to the Creativity group, an extension of my local weaving guild, my dear friend Myra hosted and she had the perfect napkins.

I went to the party store and perused every napkin in there only to leave empty handed. The first step which is the hardest it would seem is to find some napkins with small designs I like. Now it would seem there’s no excuse to not finish that Celtic edging I started when I got discouraged over shuttle mishaps. The Mod Podge provides a surface tacky enough to hold on to and maneuver my shuttle, but not so tacky the thread has any drag as the shuttle slides over and under to form my stitches. You want to grip it enough so it doesn’t fly out of your hand, but loose enough the thread is able to slide between your shuttle and fingertips. There’s a fine balance you need to have with the grip on a tatting shuttle.

My hands and fingers tend to be dry, and I find the plastic tatting shuttles to be too slippery. Decoupaged Tatting Shuttles? Why? Well, in truth, mostly for practical reasons, believe it or not.